هي منطقه اثريه اشتهرت بجمال الطبيعه والهدوء.......
عندما تزورها مره واثقه انك ستعود الى زيارتها مره اخره لجمال طبيعتها وخدماتها المميزه ...........
وجمالها عند الصبح الباكر عندما تشرق الشمس بين الجبال ..........
وعند غروب الشمس تشعر الشمس تعانق الجبال ..........
ويصبح القمر معلق بلسماء والنجوم كانها لوحه فنيه قد يعجز شعراء العالم بوصف جمالها ..............
Our recommended and most popular hikes within the Dana Nature Reserve and the surrounding area. For more details view our photo albums 'Hiking ~ Sheq Al-Reesh' ; 'Hiking ~ Nawatef Trail' ; 'Hiking ~ Wadi Ghuweir'
Links are provided in the comments section of this post.
Wadi Dana Eco-camp offers local guides and hiking in the Dana Nature Reserve and surrounding area.
Sheq Al-Reesh (Feather Gorge) is a stunning gorge in the centre of the Reserve.
Hike through extraordinary landscapes (including a siq) and explore small archaeological sites.
See juniper and wild pistachio trees, lavender and sage, and natural wells.
natural environment and local heritage. This has allowed the land to remain within the families that have owned and protected it for centuries. It is a joint venture between a group of local farmers and the local community cooperative - Dana Cooperative جمعية أبناء ضانا التعاونية
TO MAKE A BOOKING email: wadidana@gmail.com
The Dana Nature Reserve is home to 45 mammal species.
set of photographs showing the general layout of Wadi Dana Eco-camp -
the meeting tent, dining room, chalets and tents. The albums
'Accommodation - Chalets' and 'Accommodation - tents' have a full set of
photographs for the sleeping accommodation.
To make a booking or enquiry please email wadidana@gmail.com
To make a booking or enquiry please email wadidana@gmail.com
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